Dr. Anastasios Vekris at the

Dr. Anastasios Vekris at the "FUE EUROPE ANNUAL HANDS-ON WORKSHOP" in Ankara

The “FUE ANNUAL HANDS-ON WORKSHOP” of the FUE Europe Society took place on 21 – 22 March in Ankara, Turkey. It is a very influential meeting that allows younger surgeons to perform live procedures under the supervision of FUE experts.

Once again, Dr. Anastasios Vekris, MD, Plastic Surgeon, Member of ISHRS (International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery), Founder of Advanced Hair Clinics, and Director of Cosmetic Derma Medicine Medical Group, caught the eyes and attention of the attending plastic surgeons and dermatologists at the workshops where he led the way with two presentations.

The algorithm of beard hair follicle extraction and implantation

As an official guest and key instructor in the hands-on workshops held live during the conference, Dr. Vekris presented essential parameters and new techniques for hair follicle extraction from the face and implantation in the beard. In his presentation entitled “Algorithm of Beard FUE Extraction & Placement”, Dr. Vekris focused on both the potential and limitations of the facial region as a donor site for patients who wish to undergo hair transplantation but have poor donor sites in the scalp, and the fine art of enhancing and restoring facial hair (beard and mustache).

Two more presentations of the Advanced Hair Clinics team in Ankara

Advanced Hair Clinics was also represented by Dr. Antonia Andriopoulou, Hair Surgery Specialist, member of the Advanced Hair Clinics Medical Team and Deputy Scientific Director of the clinic. In her presentation titled “Direct Implantation with Sharp Implanter”, Dr. Andriopoulou presented the technologically advanced Sharp Implanter transplantation device, its advantages for surgery and useful information on its proper use and application in hair transplantation. During the conference, Dr. Vekris gave a second, “utilitarian” and very interesting presentation entitled “How to Set Up a Successful Hair Restoration Practice”, during which he shared with the attendees the “secrets” of running and managing a successful practice specializing in hair transplantation.

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