FUE Hair Transplant Thessaloniki, Greece

#1 FUE Hair Transplant Thessaloniki, Greece

Where to find us

Contact Phone:
(+30) 2310 224240
Clinic's Address:
17 Tsimiski Str., Thessaloniki (8th floor)
Working Hours:
Monday-Friday: 10:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00

Advanced Hair Clinics Thessaloniki - Clinic interior

Results speak. So do NUMBERS.

Hair Transplants
Years of experience in FUE
Satisfied Patients

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Contact us

Experienced, renowned scientists provide a solution to the problem of hair loss.

Main Contact Form--en

* I have been informed about the above processing of my personal data, and I GIVE my consent to it, as it is specifically defined in detail HERE.
